You can select the most effective data base type for each domain to reduce operation cost and to provide the right level of availability for each domain. 您可以为每个域选择最有效的数据基础类型,以降低操作成本并为每个域提供正确的可用性级别。
The sheer volume of unstructured and semi-structured data found on the web and in internal data stores increases the need for intelligent and effective data mining. web上和内部数据存储中非结构化和半结构化数据量的爆炸式增长,促进了对对智能且高效的数据挖掘的需求。
The benefits realized through data mining are creating a sharp rise in demand for more effective data mining techniques, technologies, and solutions. 通过数据挖掘认识到的益处是,激起了对更有效的数据挖掘技能、技术和解决方案的需求。
This capability not only saves costs, but also enables quicker and more effective data backups, he says. 这种能力不仅可以节省成本,而且还能提供更快、更有效的数据备份。他接着说道。
Another method familiar from the tech world involves more effective data collection and analysis. 从高科技行业借鉴的另一种方法涵盖了更有效的数据收集和分析。
First of all, the agreement can be able to identify effective data and noise which appears as random bytes and no obvious combination. 协议的第一件事就是能够识别噪声和有效数据,噪声是以随机字节出现的,没有明显的结合方式。
The effective data from the results of water quality monitoring is studied; the rational relation among these data is analyzed also, which provide reference for the data verification. 对环境监测中水质分析结果的有效数字进行了研究,并分析了数据之间的合理关系,为数据审核提供参考。
So, temperature monitoring system is applied in steel structure of outer frame tube, and some effective data are gotten. 因此,在建造过程中对电视塔外框筒钢结构布置了温度监测系统,得到了一系列准确有效的数据。
Application of this system has realized information management of welding process data and provided an effective data managing platform for study of the integrality of welding structure. 该系统的应用实现了焊接工艺数据的信息化管理,同时为焊接结构完整性研究提供了有效的数据管理平台。
The collection of real-time and effective data of crop water demand is the foundation of real-time irrigation forecasting. 获得实时、有效的作物腾发量数据是进行实时灌溉预报的基础和难点。
With such a mechanism, the adjacent radars can spontaneously communicate with each other, collaborate with each other for data fusion, and find a path to transfer the effective data back. 在这种机制中,雷达可以自发地与其他相邻雷达进行通信,协同完成数据融合等功能,并能自主地寻找转发路径,将有效数据返回到指挥中心。
Gabor wavelet texture feature extraction algorithm based on effective data grid 基于有效数据网格的Gabor小波纹理特征提取算法
Simple to understand, effective data markup accessible and usable by human and computer alike. 简单易懂,人类和机器都能轻松使用的高效数据表示。
The way of effective data complement for a data set with missing values was analyzed so as to reflect more objectively internal relationship among data in data set. 分析了在含有遗失值的数据集上如何进行有效的数据填补,以便更客观地反映数据集中数据所隐含的内在联系。
Aiming at a great deal of data existing in modern logistics enterprises, it provides how to use data mining technology to mine effective data so as to help decider to make correct and effective decision. 针对现代物流企业中存在的大量数据,提出如何利用数据挖掘技术挖掘出有效的信息,以帮助决策者做出正确、有效地决策。
Through the investment and analysis on effective data and documents, the paper concluded the present status and the basic characters of sports information industry, from the point of real connotation of sports industry, stated some factors that influence the development of the sports information industry. 通过对实际数据和文献资料的调查和分析,归纳了体育信息产业的现状和基本特征,并从体育信息产业的真正内涵出发,阐述了影响体育信息产业发展的诸多因素。
Using modern communication technology, passing through a lot of experiments and tests to compare with various methods of connection, we have found the method of data connection that is suitable for Zhaoqing Geomagnetic Station's observation in present condition, and achieved the effective data communication. 应用现代通讯技术,通过大量的试验、测试,对各种连接情况进行分析比较,找到了适合肇庆地磁台目前观测需要的数据连接方法,实现了有效可靠的传输。
Effective data source selection strategy is one of the important issues of the spatial information retrieval. 合理高效的数据源选择策略是提高空间信息检索系统效率的重要因素之一。
The wide area network of earthquake information is constructed in the provincial seismic information industry by using VPN technique, which has became a basic platform of economical, safe and effective data and information transmission. 利用VPN技术在省级地震信息网络中建设信息行业广域网,使之成为一个经济、安全、高效的数据和信息传输的基础平台。
It adopts visual instrument technique and combines characteristics of dust catcher and demister to develop an effective data acquisition system, it can accomplish signal collection and processing. 采用了虚拟仪器技术,结合除尘和除雾器的特点开发了一种有效的采集系统,来完成对信号的采集和处理。
Effective data privacy protection is very important to internet industry. 有效的数据隐私保护对Internet产业的发展极为重要。
The paper builds an effective data mining model to use these data source and important information. 要想有效利用这些数据以及数据背后所隐含的重要信息,必须建立有效的数据挖掘模式。
Simulation results provide effective data to ensure the stability of operation in the casting-rolling process. 此模拟结果可以为控制铸轧过程的稳定提供有效的数据。
In intelligent tutoring system based on knowledge, knowledge tree is an effective data structure of organizing, representing and managing educational knowledge. 在基于知识的智能教学系统中,知识树是教学领域知识组织、表现和管理的有效数据结构。
This paper discusses the design and implementation of Cropland Data Collecting System based on GPRS technology. The purpose is to solve the problem of the data lack in the research of agricultural information technology and offer effective data support for agriculture production management. 本文讨论了农作物管理专家系统的实现与设计,目的是解决农业信息技术研究中数据缺乏的问题,为农业决策、生产管理提供有效数据支持。
Pyroelectric detector and fast respond infrared radiometer are used in the system to carry on the measurement, and effective data processing method is adopted to improve the test accuracy. 该系统分别采用热释电探测器和快速响应的红外辐射计进行测量,并采取了有效的数据处理方法,提高了测试精度。
Multicast realizes effective data transfer for point to multipoint on internet. This paper introduces the basic concept and technique of multicast. 多播技术实现了互连网络中点到多点的高效数据传送,本文介绍了多播的基本概念和技术。
The Data warehouse is able to abstract and neaten effective data, to rise the speed of data-processing, and to add the function of OLAP analyzing. It has been provided as a necessary instrument for analysis and management of operations. 数据仓库(DataWarehouse)可以提炼和整理有效数据,提高处理速度,并且增加OLAP分析功能,为业务的分析和管理提供必要的手段。
The principal component analysis is a kind of effective data compression method. 主成分分析法是一种有效的数据压缩方法。
In this dissertation, fuzzy clustering and pattern recognition are used to the preprocessing of historical load and weather data to provide more effective data sets for forecasting. 本文将模糊聚类和模式识别理论应用于负荷历史数据和气象数据的预处理,为负荷预测提供了更合理的原始预测数据集;